Why can't we be friends?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
7:05 PM ♥
So yeah, I've made a video to tell this story instead of actually writings it.
Cheers <3
On other things, I've gotten new things like shoes and a new Iphone in the past time that we last spoke but that's the beauty of me I guess. Committing to something on the internet is quite a chore. So here are some pictures of things I've gotten and done.
My new shoes from Zara, they are a thing to look at.
Here is my new Iphone and my cute Outfit.
My new Living Sofa YEY
and the round thing that came with it.
My new Shoulder rest for my Violin
Here is a pastry that I gotten and it was yummy
Pictures of me and some work Friends.
And of course my new Hermes Kelly bag that cost .0001$ and some glue.
Labels: Atlanta, Creeps, handbag, lozo, luzon, Urban Outfitters
♥ 0 Make Wishes
Saturday, May 19, 2012
6:44 AM ♥
So after 5 days of waited delivery I finally got it, my bag! Dispute the fact that I paid for 1-2 day shipping, (for thought who don't know that costs a bit more) finally got my bag at 4:00pm on thursday. Now over the interwebs I've heard that FedEx tends to be... I don't know.... Slow in delivery. No joke. Time to get that extra 5$ bag la!
Outside of the bit fest lets look at this beauty I bought for 27$ (without shipping) lol
Now to start of this show and tell, the bag is from a Taiwan based Brand called "PG美人網", now they seem to only specialize in hand bags, wallets and shit like that. Just like Coach; if your from somewhere that don't sell Coach, think of Luis Vuitton dispute the fact that they sell clothing too. But if you care to actually buy anything from them and can't read Mandarin here: YesStyle, you're welcome.
I'm so in love with it, I know I will use this as my day to day bag for a while! ;p
Here is some pictures that of the tags that came with it, no fakes here baby!
There is the little zipper on the back, which also the one inside and shit.
Here in better light, and the side wings are out... lol
So I decided to sport it yesterday and walk around the mall after thinking I was going to work... but that didn't happen. So here are some pictures I took inside of Forever21.
Here I tried to capture my hair, I looked so nice, but my camera on my phone is shit.
This one below was actually taken at Urban Outfitters.
I know I'm hot shit!
So yeah, that is the thing that has gotten me all excited for the past week. Funny thing is when the door bell rang, I was waiting on the coach and I fell asleep. ahahaha, I must have looked crazy to this woman. I was so excited that I was shaking as I struggled to open the box. ahahaha
I love you,
Comment and Subscribe. You like it!
Labels: chris, christopher, Forever 21, handbag, lozo, luzon, mandarin, PG Beauty, PG美人網, shopping, Urban Outfitters, yesstyle
♥ 0 Make Wishes
IS that a kat?
Thursday, May 17, 2012
5:53 AM ♥
It has been a nice week all, dispute the bull shit job loss last week.
I've studied some more of my chinese in my wonderful book of Knowledge that I call a textbook. Only I, ONLY I would buy a textbook because I think learning is fun. As a college student almost everyone (including me) hates buying 300$ textbook on a topic no one has heard of nor cares about. That is why amazon exists where textbooks cost 20$ BOOYAH.
see my intense lyric learning, notie my shitty Traditional chinese.
But other then learning, because that's fun, I have also had a day off so that I can hang out with my hubby. I went into work that day thinking I had to well.... work. But it was an on call shift, which I forgot to mention to myself in my trusty phone schedule. So yeah, I was super excited when they told me that they didn't need me that day. So I went home and made Adam go outside so that we can go to a Kennesaw ( a town outside the city of Atlanta). Of course this place is pretty with the mountain views and the small town feel with expensive houses. BUT BUUUT I had a plan, I wanted to go to it's store that sell asian goods here in the states. ( Ironically the stuff are "Japanese" but were made in Korea.)
So I bought a notebook for my chinese studies and a cute little lunch box. YEY :3
I thought the cute kitty was really cute so I got this for about 1$ HOLY SHIT CHEAP la!
Here is what I went to the store to get, this lunch box. It's is so small it fits in my bag ahhhhhh
BTW this was when I brought it to work, and that's tofu la.
So yeah me and adam did some walking around the mall and we stopped by the ATT Kiosk, and after some hard thinking and talking, adam decided to FINALLY upgrade his phone from shit to not shit. :) So he got the NEW IPHONE (he had the iphone 3g that was literally falling apart and dyeing.) But this made me think so this Saturday i'm switching to att from tmobile for an Iphone too. The math was too simple to say no. See I get a discount at ATT and with a Family plan adam and I would only have to pay 57$ each or so. Which is better then paying 90$ that I pay now. HELL YEAH.
So I was browsing the WP marketplace and I found this app called, "PURICLUB". Which essentially is a Purikura app that Iphone has millions off. So dispute it being the only app of it's kind on WP i decided to take pictures and doll them up so here are two of my shittopieces.
This is an older picture of me and adam at David and Busters on SUPER BALL SUNDAY.
Here I am trying to be Classy but Sexy with a side order of Mysterious.
So yeah other then these awesome things and studying I decided to take a picture of outfits I wore to work. These are all from days where I cared about what I looked like before going into a retail store!
This is for shits. YEAH I'm so hot in my bathroom, are you jelly?
and before I sign off, I found thing in my ancient archive of pictures I used for myspace layouts and the like... this is from 2009. ahhh so long ago.
♥ 0 Make Wishes
Friday, May 11, 2012
1:33 AM ♥
Now I have had my "Basic Spoken Chinese" Textbook for about a month now. Since I work so much and because I'm lazy; I haven't really actually started studying my chinese. Sure I have gotten through the 1million page chapter on how to pronounce chinese. But now I have to make a schedule to actually study words and sentences. YEYEYEYEYEY
For all reasons being I actually like Chinese dispute the fact that I listen to Kpop all the time. But the major issue I have is the fact that I'm not into all the blogs and youtube channels devoted to Chinese Learning and Culture. Where as when you look for Korean and Japanese Blogs and Videos you will find a wide array of greatly crafted and nice looking Blogs and videos. Now for me personally I tend to stick to a blog when it actually looks nice. When I see a language blog that looks like it's from the early days of the internet I get put off and leave the site. Also the catch 22 is that when I find a modern looking website, it tend to have been abandon by the Blogger. YEY :( I feel like the the people on the internet that teach chinese are intellect that lack any interest in making their website look up to date. But then again that could be my shallow point of view on what makes good content.
But today I found this WEIRD but addictive vlog and Blog called: iamxiaoli.
Dispute the fact that it looks like a japanese horror film, the chinese is actually very helpful. What I think is fascinating is the fact that she doesn't use any English in the video. You learn ideas via context and association. Our luck the association is a murder scene.
I absolutely love it. What do you think?
♥ 1 Make Wishes
American Apparel and hookas
Thursday, May 10, 2012
12:16 AM ♥
I wasn't sure if I was going to discuss this or not, but I think I will.
So I thought I had a Full time Postion with American Apparel. I went to the interview, I took the job offer and then I went to the darn orientation for the job. Which all in total was about 15$ in train fairs to get to the retail store for all of these events.
So after the orientation my, going to be, new boss wanted me to come in after I get of work at Urban (which is where I've worked Part time for about 9 months now). I take a 30 min train ride to the AA store location in East Atlanta, all during rush hour, hence why the ride took so long.
I rushed to the store and sat down with the GM to talk, which at the time I thought was about getting my new work schedule with them.
NOPE, I'm wrong. The 1 Min meeting was about my cancelation of my continuation of employment with them. Yup, I got fired before I ever started working. I'm so awesome guys.
I was so Shocked that it took me half a block to sink in that the Full time job with Benefits that I thought I was going to get was actually not going to happen.
Now you're wondering why? Why Chris? Why did this happen?
Well let me tell you good sir/mamme, it was the fact that my availability wasn't completely open to them. Which is do to the fact that I work at Urban. I can't believe they made me go through this whole thing and I still didn't get a job; all because there must have been a miscommunication on the fact that I have a part time job. I really don't get it on how that was lost in the conversation when I stated it in my interview and on my resume.
It was a bad case of judgment, and I was hurt in the long run. I was pissed and more of anything, really embarrassed.
It's complete bull shit and I hope this doesn't happen to the next person that decides to work at AA in Atlanta.
But on a brighter note, before this situation I actually had a good day. I had free Ice Cream and I dressed up the Model Forms At Urban Outfitters that day.
It makes working in a store more fun when you know, you dressed up the Models.
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Jezebel 1 |
This is one I did with our women's team lead. The blue tank, orange/gold necklace and tribal jeans are really hot.
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Jezebel 2 |
This one is my favorite, not only because it makes Jezebel look like a punk bitch or a hooker, but because of the Black Studded Shorts. HELL YES!!
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Jezebel 3 |
Now this is is the last of the day, she is girly and I love it.
Now you may wonder why I call my Models, Jezebel. Mostly because I decided to call them that after I did Jezebel 2, but because it is such a slutty sounding name. It really does and I love the name for it. My girl will work those cloths hell yeah!
Thank you for reading.
Cheers <3
Labels: American Apparel, Atlanta, Jezebel, Urban Outfitters
♥ 0 Make Wishes
New Layout EH
Sunday, May 6, 2012
4:20 PM ♥
It has been a long time since I last made a layout for a blog or even myspace... fuck man. So getting this layout to work is a pain in the fucking ass.
♥ 0 Make Wishes
Train Ride
Monday, April 30, 2012
7:06 AM ♥
So I'm riding the rush hour train to work. Yey for the over crowded train
♥ 0 Make Wishes
Twinkle By: TTS
7:05 AM ♥
Also here is the video to see the newly released Song:
♥ 0 Make Wishes
Gotta love an Ass
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
7:07 AM ♥
So there I was on my facebook facebooking when I get this message.
Guy: howdy
Blah blah blah some chatting and time goes by till I got this message.
Guy: looking through your pics…u have some cute undies
Me: thanks seems to be a common theme on my pictures
He is was referring to this relatively old picture.
I like comment and I don’t mind being called cute so I was like, Thanks!
Then he tells me that he loves cute underwear and how many I own. He says he apparently has tons of them. Not that I really care their underwear, I only own enough to last me two weeks.
Then he asks:
Guy: any pics ? of them?
which I respond in the most Nieve way ever:
ME: Yeah I wear them for fb to see
This clearly went over my head and I thought he just wanted to see my undies, but he’s being more sexual apparently. But yeah then from the melodrama inside him he tells me this!
GUY: what?no need to be a smart ass. i guess you shouldnt post photos in your underwear or half dressed and u wouldnt come off as a slut just sayin
What a fucking ass hole seriously! What the hell, GO FUCK YOUR SELF. I tell him he’s a dick and blah blah he says sorry and then asks what I’m wearing and if I want a picture of his undies (dick view). Note this, it was just 2 minutes before when he called me slut for being cute. So i play along full intent on what I was going to do. I give him my old email and he sends me this:
where I respond with this beautiful this:
”Can’t believe the audacity to call me a slut, when I was trying to be cute in MY PROFILE, and then ask me for a picture anyway? Fuck you guy. I’m not a smart ass, you’re a pretentious insecure dick whom is way to fucking dramatic !”
So yeah, that was glory for me. The little things in life make me happy. I also blocked his ass from my facebook and I got a reply on the email that made me giggle as if to scare me.
“You blocked me on FB? You’re a douche!
No worries, I work for in technology for the gov. , I can see your profile regardless.

Take care!

Cool story bro, I didn’t know I ment so much to you. Just know I’m not scared of a ass wipe who flips out faster then you can say hello. And if i ever find out you access my account. I’ll make sure your bullying ass will lose that Gov. Tech job.
Gary Harrel, Cheers you pretentious fuck 

♥ 0 Make Wishes
Long Lost But Found
Monday, September 12, 2011
7:03 AM ♥
Hey Avid Readers!
So I've been quite busy for a little bee. In the last time we spoke, I have transferred my entire book from Wattpad (thus far) to a word document. Which isn't much but it did take an hour. I've been editing the book A LOT. I didn't like the first chapter, so I began to re-write the whole thing, I'm adding so much. I'm trying to get away from my CELL PHONE NOVEL set up that I have. I'm dyeing to add detail. It still will be emotionally driven as it currently is standing, but with more detail.
I moved to Atlanta, it has been quite a couple of weeks. The uncertainty of my job, and the fact of my new indecent apartment is driving me off the wall. It's old, but in Midtown (the place to be) but OLD, i hear the man downstairs masturbate and my water heater broke.
We will see where this goes. To much love
♥ 0 Make Wishes