Saturday, May 19, 2012
6:44 AM ♥
So after 5 days of waited delivery I finally got it, my bag! Dispute the fact that I paid for 1-2 day shipping, (for thought who don't know that costs a bit more) finally got my bag at 4:00pm on thursday. Now over the interwebs I've heard that FedEx tends to be... I don't know.... Slow in delivery. No joke. Time to get that extra 5$ bag la!
Outside of the bit fest lets look at this beauty I bought for 27$ (without shipping) lol
Now to start of this show and tell, the bag is from a Taiwan based Brand called "PG美人網", now they seem to only specialize in hand bags, wallets and shit like that. Just like Coach; if your from somewhere that don't sell Coach, think of Luis Vuitton dispute the fact that they sell clothing too. But if you care to actually buy anything from them and can't read Mandarin here: YesStyle, you're welcome.
I'm so in love with it, I know I will use this as my day to day bag for a while! ;p
Here is some pictures that of the tags that came with it, no fakes here baby!
There is the little zipper on the back, which also the one inside and shit.
Here in better light, and the side wings are out... lol
So I decided to sport it yesterday and walk around the mall after thinking I was going to work... but that didn't happen. So here are some pictures I took inside of Forever21.
Here I tried to capture my hair, I looked so nice, but my camera on my phone is shit.
This one below was actually taken at Urban Outfitters.
I know I'm hot shit!
So yeah, that is the thing that has gotten me all excited for the past week. Funny thing is when the door bell rang, I was waiting on the coach and I fell asleep. ahahaha, I must have looked crazy to this woman. I was so excited that I was shaking as I struggled to open the box. ahahaha
I love you,
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Labels: chris, christopher, Forever 21, handbag, lozo, luzon, mandarin, PG Beauty, PG美人網, shopping, Urban Outfitters, yesstyle
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