Thursday, August 11, 2011
7:09 AM ♥
Hey Avid Readers!
So I’ve been quite busy for a little bee. In the last time we spoke, I have transferred my entire book from Wattpad (thus far) to a word document. Which isn’t much but it did take an hour. I’ve been editing the book A LOT. I didn’t like the first chapter, so I began to re-write the whole thing, I’m adding so much. I’m trying to get away from my CELL PHONE NOVEL set up that I have. I’m dyeing to add detail. It still will be emotionally driven as it currently is standing, but with more detail.
One thing in the way is my soon to be move! I’m moving to Atlanta, it has been quite a couple of week. The uncertainty of my job, and the fact of just finding a decent apartment is driving me off the wall. We will see where it goes.

i am pulling hair.
On other news, I’ve got my hair cut. I’ve had the long front bang for ever. and pretty much what I have now but longer bangs. When the clueless lady was cutting my hair, and i noticed how short she made it, My face went to shock. I wanted to cry. BUT i’m over it. it looks fin.

Sexy as they come no pun intended.
Man behind the Pen
Name: Christopher
Ever since: 1990
I am straight forward, and I have been told that I don't know how to pretend. Which shows in awkward social situations were I don't know how to respond correctly and end up say very rough bladed things. Along with this blood shatter news, I do some typing on my cell phone and call it a Book. Also I do more tweeting then a normal person. My Blog is about my life and adventures, because it's ravishing.
Author of
'Muted Voice'
Cheers ♥
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Much Love to...
Copyright ©. Layout by MochaFrappes. View with Google Chrome.
Materials from Un Deux et Trois. All rights reserved.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
7:09 AM ♥
Hey Avid Readers!
So I’ve been quite busy for a little bee. In the last time we spoke, I have transferred my entire book from Wattpad (thus far) to a word document. Which isn’t much but it did take an hour. I’ve been editing the book A LOT. I didn’t like the first chapter, so I began to re-write the whole thing, I’m adding so much. I’m trying to get away from my CELL PHONE NOVEL set up that I have. I’m dyeing to add detail. It still will be emotionally driven as it currently is standing, but with more detail.
One thing in the way is my soon to be move! I’m moving to Atlanta, it has been quite a couple of week. The uncertainty of my job, and the fact of just finding a decent apartment is driving me off the wall. We will see where it goes.

i am pulling hair.
On other news, I’ve got my hair cut. I’ve had the long front bang for ever. and pretty much what I have now but longer bangs. When the clueless lady was cutting my hair, and i noticed how short she made it, My face went to shock. I wanted to cry. BUT i’m over it. it looks fin.

Sexy as they come no pun intended.