Sunday, July 17, 2011
1:59 AM ♥
I know I have been gone for sometime, with new updates to my Blog post.
I'm sorry!
There fore, here is a picture of my two chick friends and myself, enjoying the wintery day of snow!
Yeah... no?!?
I know, Mushrooms are the best and cutest thing to use as a pre occupied boarder.
I know I have PROCLAIMED this as my "I'M LEARNING KOREA" blog. But, meh, I don't like typing about how I learn a language... it bores me honestly. I moved to Blogger because it is Blogging based, and nothing else. Were as, Skyrock, is a full working social site. I personally don't like the spam that i get concecutively, so hence why i moved here. With the ambistion to write about my learning process, because people actually care about other's knowledge growth.. I don't.
I think what I don't like about this site, is how you can search other blogs, there is no homepage for the blog searching, or anything, and it bothers me! Just saying!
So now to my normal self, I will blog about EVERYTHING in my life that I find that matters, and what I find to be interesting. If the posts are weeks apart or years, either way, it's going to happen.
I have been so occupied by work (both) and writing my book, and OF COURSE, fixing my damn computer, that I had a hard time doing anything else with my life - like learning and reading. I know effing fail. So now, i'm back on the ball. I need to stop staying up so late, and waking up at ungodly hours. I should wake up and do my things. When i don't work, I either read a book, and stay of YOUTUBE all the time! Gosh! lol
Any how, welcome again.. and please, if you care... follow!
Labels: Life
♥ 0 Make Wishes