Tuesday, June 28, 2011
1:11 AM ♥
So I took pictures today, for my Blog banner and such. I never got to make one for my old blog on Skyrock! So I'm going all out nude!
So if you would like to know, the picture above is ME! I thought it would be just for an update on my face on the Internet. So of course you know that I'm learning Korean and that I have the stupid idea to blog about my troubles. So here is some more 'INSIDERS' idea of who I am, yo!
OMG this feels like Speed Dating! I will use these pre-made question for your Knowledge of this Genius's inner thinking. Confused you? Good!
Write the first thing that comes to mind.
01 Hello: go away
02 Love: hearts
03 Cow: mild
04 Peace: asian tourist
05 Sky: high
06 Mr. Big: haha wouldn't you like to know hahaha...
07 Horror: movies...... why am i finishing words??
Answer with only one word.
01 You are a: dork
02 You drink: occasionally.
03 Your first kiss: didn't know what to do... and sucked.
04 Where are you: not near you
05 You like: boys
06 Hate is: murder
07 Love is: for little Girls
08 You dream of: ....a black void.
09 You can’t spell: Many English words! Thank god for spell check
10 Your favorite colour is: Courtney, 'Rainbow' is not A colour.
Answer either yes or no. No “maybes” allowed.
01 You like a boy/girl: Yes.
02 You would kiss someone for $10: i'm cheap.
03 You’re addicted to facebook: only on bored days
04 You’re addicted to notes: why?
05 Pink looks nice on guys: yeah....
06 You can’t keep a secret: better than you.
07 Do you have any siblings: Yes.
08 You know what an asterisk is: no, i just put little stares on papers for shits and giggles.
09 You dye your hair: never again
Write the first thing each color makes you think of.
01 Red: my shirt.
02 Green: mold
03 Teal: My other shirt
04 Maroon: My first american middle school
05 Silver: money
06 Brown: shit
07 White: ..... oh i'm gross
08 Peachy: skin
09 Yellow: summer
10 Purple: elephants
So I hope that was fun to read. Now you know how I think to a small degree.
Enjoy thy self
Thank you<3
♥ 0 Make Wishes