Writing For Everyone
Saturday, June 25, 2011
12:25 AM ♥
The beautiful way that someone can lie to themselves! I took a glance at Hangeul '한글' and I was so scared. I thought because Korean writing is sound based that I would have to memorize sound combos?!? I don't understand why I thought that, but after breaking 한글 down I feel relief. It is super easy. Nothing like the Giant Monster Japanese was for my learning!!!
So the Smart thing in any Language learning lesson 1, you first learn the writing system (if it is different from your own). Along with learning the writing system is also learning how to pronounce the Characters and such. I understood that Korean would be more difficult to pronounce then Japanese, but by god, the Alphabet was difficult to pronounce. The 'G' sound ㄴ is said like a soft 'G' but with some 'K' sounding thing going on. ㅂ is a 'B' sound but it is said soft, and kind of sounds more like a 'P'. The Consonants (mother sounds) in Korean are a complete "WHAT THE FUCK".
But after a good practice session on the Consonants, I believe I have them down packed. Lucky me, I know Korean speakers! Boo Yah XD The Vowels (child sounds) are easy - just a bunch of vertical and horizontal lines - and have easy pronunciation.
Also, the structure of who Korean is written is also rather easy. It was explained rather well, I believe in this video. Even though clearly the two people in the video are German, there is English spoken. Either I was able to understand, seeing that German is my native language.
So now, to the best part of learning the letters - Memorizing. I plan on using flash cards along with pen and paper. Let's see how long it will take me to completely know them? I would say 3 days from now... Goal Set in place!!!!
Thanks for reading<3
Labels: korean
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