New LIfe New Start
Friday, May 20, 2011
6:59 AM ♥
SO finally after 6 years, I MOVED!!
I no long get to see fish shitting and fucking in the ocean, nor do I get to feel the Horrid humid breeze from the sea. I moved Inland, to Atlanta. Far from friends and family... thank god! hahah <3
Along with such awesome new, I have internet again and have a new phone. It's korean.... no seriously that is what I named the thing. Blue Korean! I have an odd tendency to name everything according to what it is. Like my dog.... Dog, or my rug.... Stepped On. haha Oh the great joys in life like telling your things that they are beneath you. lol
Well anyway, Boo yah!
Here is Blue Korean and me gossiping, over shit coffee and tacos.

♥ 0 Make Wishes