20 years Old
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
2:49 AM ♥
So I must make my mother feel old!
I'm as of the 23, 20 years old. It feels so...... 19? So cliche to say that you don't feel any different, you just a day older and closer to death.
Honestly, people have always told me, "I don't feel any different" as if some sort of change is going to happen. Like when you turn 19 you grow an extra penis, even girls get penis's. When you turn 21, Beer Drinks you, and when you turn 23, you grow 5 extra arms and become pregnant with whales.

I'm the squid if you wanted to know.
How exciting would it be to wake up (or in my case, sit in my living room and wait till mid-night) and you feel this great change and feeling inside you..... like superman powers. Go to my family and show them my amazing new (daily) skill of cake eating. Or got to my Boyfriend and show him how good i am in... xbox live! Kick is ass!
But in reality, I'm only going to my college at 8 and discussing things with Professors, and Working! Yeah, my birthday is so eventful..... just fucking love it <3 But I will be hanging with friends and family! That's my end of day plans anyway...
Happy birthday to ME and everyone else born on the 23... we all are gods of the world.
♥ 0 Make Wishes