I Suck
Friday, July 23, 2010
6:43 AM ♥
So today, was another great day of my intelligence.
So I was working today, and It was really simple work. Normally, it is on the more difficult sides of changing wires. and hoping you don't get shocked from all the energy.
So anyway, my Simple job today was to CONNECT ceiling fan blades to their body. Really easy work, only takes a screw-driver and a screw; then ta-da, there you go, a working ceiling fan. But my Genius of a brain had to make this much more complicated and harder than it should have.
Okay first of, in the picture below, you will see a shitty paint computer drawing I have made specially for you're viewing needs. Okay Fan partA is where the fan connects to the fan blades, with screws. Fan part B is were the Lights are connected and posted at, hence the wires on the bottom. Now, I can not move Part B. So some how I had to get my screw driver to go in that small space and screw the fan blades on. Sounds doggie. Well it is!
So for 8 next fan blades, I contorted my fingers in strange angles and somehow got them all connected. It took around 30 mins. Now that is 1fan and 2 blades.
As I started to work on the 9th blade I realized what these rather nice sized holes on Fan part B where. The were for you to stick you're screw driver in and a finger. So that you can connect with ease. Yeah, I am slow. I was soo happy and pissed at the same time. Happy that I have actually started my brain up, and Pissed that It took so long.
Now here this, even after realizing this awesome fact of these special holes. I still managed to keep dropping screws, and fan blades, and even my dignity. The little dignity I had left anyway. It took me a while but I got the job done. Saddly enough.
So once again, I have somehow managed to make really easy work - and it was suppose to be easy work - really hard. Which seems to be a common for me. hahaha Welcome to my reality.
♥ 0 Make Wishes