I Fail
Thursday, July 22, 2010
6:39 AM ♥
So yeah, it's been almost a year, and I have been dead to Skyblog. Go figure. I suck.
Well, My last year of high school was fun, and drama filled. like normal. But yeah, just too much shit to actually type out in a limited amount of space.
I now live on my own, thanks to my stupidity I got kicked out again. But it's for the best seeing how I can now live openly gay, and not have an issue with my dad. Also, unlike most gays, I work as an electricians assistant. Even though I don't get paid. BUT I do live rent free at my Bosses place, so I guess it pays for my rent.
Also, as of 3 days ago, I broke up with my Months relationship with my boyfriend. Seeing how he went over seas, and I started hearing shit. I just couldn't deal with the issue while he is gone. So I guess we will put the relationship on a hold. Yey for stress. Anyhow, he was my first boyfriend in almost a year! So a lot of people were happy that I finally got a man, and off their backs. I know! Fail.
Anyhow, here is Me now! As of 2 hours ago anyway, I got if off my Facebook!
♥ 0 Make Wishes