Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 25, 2010
6:47 AM ♥
So today it thanksgiving! Whoo, for all the people that celebrate it: Don't eat too much... you know - pounds!
and for all those who don't: Pretend that you do, and eat a lot of food!
Only in America, will you find an entire holiday devoted to EATING!! hahaha, rather funny!
But on a more pleasent note, I got of work early today, because the store was dead, but at 12 mid-night, i work for Black Friday!
ONCE again, another crazy thing americans do, sit outside really early for savings! I'm only up at that hour just for a pay check, but what ever what float your HAT!
So anyhow, I hung out with my friend, Joey, last night. It was fun, it's always good to see friends you haven't seen a long time. Randomly he, just pulls out his laptop, and we make a Youtube video:
Now, to answer some of the comments I saw on his video.
No we are not dating! lol We are just really good friends!
We look like twins... (o.O) okay, if you say so,,, hahah
That's all i got to say today, Happy Thanksgiving <3
BTW, turkeys were ment to be ridin.

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