Thought On meego
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
1:55 PM ♥
So because most of my computer usage is done on a Netbook, I wanted to see what I out there. Something that is faster and such then my ubuntu, and made for my netbook.
I found MEEGO.
I honestly, have too say at first view of MEEGO, I was in love. I think the whole theme and such is cute. It's very simple, with a low learning time, colourful, and very responsive and fast. I love meego, but i have say, I believe I will switch back to Ubuntu till it is ready for my computing need.
Despite the fact that it has some great software, and omg speeds on a netbook. Meego, lacks an office sweet, and just some basic things you would want from a computer. But it will run any normal linux program without a problem so downloading them and installing it would not be a problem.
My main issue is support, when I pull up Chrome and surf the web, it seems like a normal day on the net, till I went to a Korean site, where all the korean characters were "boxes". I was shocked, seeing that I was able to set my computer default language to korean and it work just fine. But not in my web browser. I could easily just change web browsers (but I love Chrome).
Also, some applications on the OS, won't sync or just plain out work. I get way too many "Error" messages. The applications being: the Garage, calendar (with google), sync, statues trying to connect with facebook. And those are just the once I could just think of the top of my head. Really, REALLY? If those are your front pushing features, shouldn't you make sure that they work? Also if you're going to offer another language onto your OS, shouldn't you make sure that there is full language support on your system?
I don't know, those are just my thought, I can see Meego being a great OS but with this many issues, I don't think it's ready to be a public OS. Even thought there are Netbooks coming out with the OS installed?!?!
I Hope that Meego 1.3 will solve all the issues in 1.2! If so, then I will reconsider switching to meego full time.
Thank you <3
Labels: Linux Netbook Destro, Meego
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