I think it is a gay thing to have pets!

Monday, August 10, 2009 6:36 AM

Idk, but i saw an uncanny amount of guys and lesbians that have dogs, maybe it is because they cant have kids?? so even though nayomi is straight, She has a pet, Giraffe, that is a blow up ballon!! I forgot its name!

0 Make Wishes

Savannah Gay Pride Festival! Boo-yaah

6:35 AM

I went to SavPF2009, It was sooo fucking awesome! I met some great people there, and saw some hot hot hot guys! with the occasional not so hot. haha But it is all good! I saw a Diva Show, and watched this really hot guy sing, that I talked to a couple of mins, before his performance, I didn't even know he sang! lol Also, this straight guy hit on me, I don't think he knew he was, but he was! Fuck straight Sexy guy, I want them, not girls!

0 Make Wishes

Single! Fucking eh!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 6:35 AM

So yeah, me and james are over with! lol and we are just going to be friends, which is good! but i know why he ended, and i understand! I am just mad that he didn't tell me from the beginning! And that explains why he wanted to take it slow! lol anyway, i think we will get back together. but he has to settle some shit! and i will see where everything goes from there! lol

0 Make Wishes

Saturday, August 1, 2009 6:34 AM

Us at the beach that we live by.
it is the best picture of us, I LOVE YOU MOM!!

0 Make Wishes

be jealous

Monday, July 27, 2009 6:33 AM

We Like to say, that when we take pictures, that We take the best pictures! no matter how bad of a hair day we have! It is Because we are beautiful people! lol I laugh at that every time!

0 Make Wishes

oh Hell no

Sunday, July 26, 2009 6:32 AM

My Culture had some issues when they thought these thing up!

0 Make Wishes

6:31 AM

I am going to grow up to be a cop, just like my dad!

0 Make Wishes

6:30 AM

0 Make Wishes

6:30 AM

0 Make Wishes

6:29 AM

Nous sommes allés à la savane. Il a été un plaisir pour la plupart. J'ai appris à être avec mon Amoureux et quelques amis. Même si j'ai quitté mon GSM à l'antique grenier magasin. Que j'ai appelé aujourd'hui, et qu'elles l'ont! YEY, je suis si heureux. Donc moi et courtney allons le récupérer! Mais oui, nous mangions tous les un restaurant et j'ai eu du plaisir. Ce n'est que parce que j'étais avec James! lol mais je tiens un peu FuF ne vient pas! Il est sur mes nerfs à la facilité! Mais oui, dans l'ensemble, j'ai eu du plaisir!

0 Make Wishes