My peps

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:37 AM

0 Make Wishes

I think it is a gay thing to have pets!

Monday, August 10, 2009 6:36 AM

Idk, but i saw an uncanny amount of guys and lesbians that have dogs, maybe it is because they cant have kids?? so even though nayomi is straight, She has a pet, Giraffe, that is a blow up ballon!! I forgot its name!

0 Make Wishes

Savannah Gay Pride Festival! Boo-yaah

6:35 AM

I went to SavPF2009, It was sooo fucking awesome! I met some great people there, and saw some hot hot hot guys! with the occasional not so hot. haha But it is all good! I saw a Diva Show, and watched this really hot guy sing, that I talked to a couple of mins, before his performance, I didn't even know he sang! lol Also, this straight guy hit on me, I don't think he knew he was, but he was! Fuck straight Sexy guy, I want them, not girls!

0 Make Wishes

Single! Fucking eh!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 6:35 AM

So yeah, me and james are over with! lol and we are just going to be friends, which is good! but i know why he ended, and i understand! I am just mad that he didn't tell me from the beginning! And that explains why he wanted to take it slow! lol anyway, i think we will get back together. but he has to settle some shit! and i will see where everything goes from there! lol

0 Make Wishes

Saturday, August 1, 2009 6:34 AM

Us at the beach that we live by.
it is the best picture of us, I LOVE YOU MOM!!

0 Make Wishes