My year with Julie!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
5:56 AM ♥

She is also a Exchange student from Belgium!! And oh my god was she amazing!! Julie and I had a lot in common... like career paths that we wanted and interests!! She was a little more Shyer then me. But that is okay!!
She is less possesive over things and didn't want everything, like the family that she was staying with!! She is more of a Small town European Chick!! That is the thing that I loved about her! =)
I First met Julie, (a true meeting with a convertation), on the Spanish Trip. And I kind of felt that she didn't like me... oh was i lieing to myself!!!! but that is okay! Well we Started going out oct. 22 and oh my god was I happy when she said, "yes"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yey =D
I reallllllly liked her!! And so did she. I enjoyed every minute with her, and I really wish that we could of Spent more time with one another!
She tought me more of the Love language of French, and didn't like the Helene teaching me the bad language!! lol =D
She addmired my drawing skills and tell me that she doesn't have skill..... but she really does....... "Julie you Can draw!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I think the only downfall between us was the fact that in many ways we were to much alike... I think!!
People asked me, "german why don't you have a long distance relationship with Her." and I would tell them, "she would want to see me, hold me, and of course want to kiss me, and long distance relationships can't provide that!!"
We spent more time at her house and that was fun, only when i was with her!! I Remember that her little sisters would stare at me till i looked at them.... how cute little children can be!!
but I liked it more when we were alone together!!
I love the smell of her purfume, too. It may sound creep but I did!! the Pillow and Blanket, that she gave me for my birthday..... well I didn't want to sleep on or in it cuz i would defently remove her sent!! So I used it as Decore, and then the freakin wind and air from the window blew it away in like 5 months.... damn Fresh Air!!
I Gave her diamond necklaces and i felt so HAPPY when she wore them!! =) But I tried to act cool!! yeah!! lol XD
I tried to last everything she gave me and like the collone and chocolate and anything else that i can't think up!! And I hope she did too!!
I like the talks we had and just being alone.... even if we didn't say anything... i still loved It!! Even when we watched movie, I knew she was looking at me and the movie!!
And of course, We did kiss!! I felt butterflys, if you want to put it that way!! That's as far as I go with that!! I am a dude!! lol Just kidding =D
We went to prom together!! And I truly realized how much she is like my mom!! She LOVES TO PARTY!!!!! Only bad thing is that I can't dance great........ I am to shy to do that, but at the prom i did dance with her and felt....... like i was going to explode..... I just hope i didn't look like a retarde!!! lmao
The day before the prom we went to the movies.... It was a suspence/horror movie.... I don't know what to classify it.......And didn't really watch the movie.... but me!! She didn't like the movie.... she held my hand so tight and my arm was pressed aganist the arm rest..... I didn't realize until the middle of the movie... that my upper arm hurting and my lower was numb.. even my hand!!! But I didn't care..... If it she felt better then I was willing to be in pain.... i made her come to see it!!!!! oops!!!!
Then comes the bad part of the Fariy Tale of mine.... we split up...a week after our 6 month annaversity!!! tear............
I don't really know what I did... but I must of done something...... it could of been that week, I didn't really pay much attention...... but she was Quiet that week.....!!!! I was mad, sad, and the who book..... but i didn't try to show it!!! I wanted to end our relationship Because we had to cuz she was leaving... not because of some personal issue of mine!!! tear.....
We don't really talk anymore.... which makes my upset..... maybe she dislike me now??
She told me that she feels that I didn't really like her as a girlfriend.....but that is not true! I liked her a lot... I just don't Kiss any girl if I don't like them!! that is just not me... I ain't a man whore!!
I still like her, and It makes me sad when i look or see pictures of her and me, and our smilly faces.... and i wonder if she was really happy with me!! Then I get mad cuz I want her back in my life!!! =(
I didn't want to work it out just cuz she has a lot of Stress and i mean stress... from her host family!!! so i didn't want to make her life worse!!!
Well, she will be gradurating Friday of next week and I hope the best for her.!! She told me about where in Austraila she is going to live and That her family bought a new house!!! and I know she is super excited to go to Austraila...... I would too!!! I would be rubbing it in peoples faces!!! lol =)
I am happy for her!! and I wish her the best of Luck. and that we can stay in tuch..... and of course I am going to visit her when I come to Europe again...(If she lets me)!!!! lol =P
And I hope that She had fun with me and all the time we had, and Laughs..... I am a silly dude...... lol XD lol!!!!!
Julie I will miss you so much... and now matter what you say... I did love you!!! =)
Je t'aime mon amie!!!
From your Silly German Friend,
Christopher Lozo
{German Boy}
♥ 0 Make Wishes